Wednesday, March 21, 2012


There is an unseen path that defines my longing. Beyond every horizon that my instincts illustrate, there is a touch of connection that feels so familiar like it is my own. Suddenly these attributes are invading rapidly beneath the sheath of my skin. I have kept my every move on a limit, so I am never to overwhelm even a speck of this feeling. This longing is now a curiosity which burns through without forming a scar, a cold blue fire that seeps through the life of me. It exempts me from staying timid rather frees me from my mutiny. It echoes with a sound so glistening that I can see it through my eyes. Now my hand seems to work as a wand painting a song that plays in the heart like it was there all along. Encrypted in ways I could never reveal, yet portrayed to me without a seal. That unseen path brings forth a dilemma, for the longing is hardly bearable but the separation is another endeavor.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Random thoughts

The beauty of secrecy is the capability to mask the inconsistencies yet flourish the perfection.

Random thoughts

Life is best enjoyed through the eyes of a child, thoughts of a scholar and words of a man.

Random thoughts

I find bliss in the depths of the heart, where one finds the medium between desire and curiosity.